

is a venture started with a vision to help career oriented, passionate and aspiring moms to re-start their career as soon as possible post embracing motherhood without a long career break. Inspired by personal experience, challenges of living in nuclear family followed by lack of support post motherhood, Richa Tyagi an EX-Software engineer felt the need of this initiative.

The idea of creating a MOMS CO-WORK could finally take a practical shape in year 2022, post getting delayed by 2years due to pandemic. Richa has her roots from Uttarpradesh Meerut.

A passionate yoga practitioner Richa is keen to provide best and comfortable work environment to a mom,

With 10 years of corporate life, Richa was keen to start her professional life again with big ambitions. Having experienced the same feeling among fellow moms and difficulty restarting again, a MOMS CO-WORK was the best option where she wants to provide helping hands to other moms too by creating a flexible work culture to work on various job types and additional facility to bring their little one along who get a funfull play area alongside a moms work area.

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Moms Co-Work is changing the way people and companies work.